Thursday, April 28, 2011


Okay, a few days ago, we went to the happiest place on earth. My mom and dad surprised us when we were about five minutes away from Jill's house. It was super cool. We pulled over and they gave us laniards. Here is some pictures of us in disney land.

The first one is of Maggie, Gretta, and me with Goofy. The second one is on the monorail. We got to sit in the VERY front just because we asked! It was really cold in the front, but it felt good after staying in the hot California sun. I can't wait to go back. Meanwhile, do my poll.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Today at school, we went to a play for the fourth grade. It was about Cleopatra and Antony. It was my favorite play I have ever seen! I know a kid named Kaden Wood. He has a HUGE crush on me, and he is in fourth grade! Anyway, we went to the play and half way through it, I saw Kaden with a skirt on!!!!!!! It was super funny!

All through school, we were joking around and talking about Kaden having a skirt on! After school he came up to me and said, "Hey, don't I look great in a skirt or what!?!?!" Kaden has been funny all year, but this was super duper funny! I can't forget this moment now that it is on my blog. I will look back at this moment and laugh each time. I hope he will wear a skirt again!!!!!

Anyway, I had to decorate an egg all GREEN! What I did was, I got yarn and made swirls with it. Then I got a marker and put it as polka-dots! It was super cute! That's all I have today!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

April showers bring May flowers!

I have had a wonderful time in March! But now, it is time for April! I can't wait until school is over. Now I have nothing to talk about!!!!!!! Leave me comments on what you want me to write about. I don't have a lot of followers, so please tell people you know about my blog! Thanks!!!!!!!!