Monday, September 17, 2012

New Year, New Schedule

Hey! I started 8th grade and I LOVE it! It is wierder than I thought it would be. Anyway, here is my schedule in case you dont have a facebook. FIRST: MATH/NELSON SECOND: TA/SCIENCE OLYMPIAD/GREER THIRD: LANGUAGE ARTS/EVANS FOURTH: HEALTH/TORRES FIFTH: SCIENCE/NICHOLS SIXTH: FRENCH/ERICKSON SEVENTH: U.S.HISTORY/WHITE EIGHTH: GYM/TWEED I like my schedule and most of my teachers, MOST. Sometimes one of my teachers is really annoying but its okay. I think that this year is going to be a good one. I really like school and I like to learn, except on Monday. I HATE Mondays. They are my least favorite day. Because you wake up early after a really fun/weird weekend with your family, you never want to wake up. This morning was the worst. I think I'll go take a nap after dinner. See ya l8r!

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